U.S. fatal pit bull attacks have surpassed 370 since 1998; the last year the CDC studied fatal dog attack data by breed. In the last 8-year period of the CDC study (1991 to 1998), pit bulls averaged 2.9 deaths per year. From 2013 to 2020, pit bulls averaged 28.4 deaths per year, an increase of over 850%.resources
Fatal Dog Bite Statistics
Breed-Specific Laws
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Category Archives: Historic Breed-Specific Court Decision
Indiana Dog Bite Liability Appellate Decision 2022
Damon Daniels v. Jeffrey Drake, et al. Indiana Court of Appeals September 9, 2022 (No. 22A-CT-00068) “Indiana law has specifically addressed the question of liability for injury causedby domestic animals. In Pozanski v. Horvath, 788 N.E.2d 1255 (Ind. 2003), our … Continue reading

1905: ‘Pit’ Bulldog Ordinance, Lumberton, NC
1905 Lumberton Town Ordinances Robeson County History Museum The Robesonian 1905 Lumberton Town Ordinances Certain types of dogs, such as bulldogs and bull terriers, were singled out for harsh enforcement. “It shall be unlawful for any bull-dog … to be … Continue reading