1897 Fatal Pit Bull Attack – Clifford Squires

December 1897, Ashtabula County, OH
Clifford Squires, 6
Fatal dog attack: bulldog (pit bull-type)
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…He did not return and shortly afterwards his mangled remains were found in the barn. The child’s body was mangled beyond all recognition, the face and neck presenting the appearance of a solid mass of bruised flesh and blood. He died shortly after discovered and the brute was shot. – Youngstown Vindicator

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1894 Fatal Pit Bull Attack – Mary Brand

May 1894, Mercer County, KY
Mary Brand, 16
Fatal dog attack: bulldog (pit bull-type)

…On the back porch, near the kitchen door, lay the lifeless and mangled form of a young lady. It was so mutilated that it could scarcely be recognized. It was the corpse of Miss Mary, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Mr. John Brand. – The Atlanta Constitution

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1907 Fatal Pit Bull Attack – Jefferson Norris

September 1907, Philadelphia County, PA
Jefferson Norris, adult
Fatal dog attack: bulldog (pit bull-type)

In a desperate fight with a ferocious bulldog Jefferson Norris, of No. 2425 Moore street, last night had his body so badly chewed that he is in a critical condition in the Pennsylvania Hospital. – Philadelphia Record

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1858 Fatal Pit Bull Attack – Eddie Johnston

January 1858, Brooklyn County, NY
Eddie Johnston, Child
Fatal dog attack: bulldogs (pit bull-type)
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A Boy Killed by Dogs — A little boy named Eddie Johnston, while playing yesterday afternoon in an open lot in Water-street, Brooklyn, was set upon by two large bull-dogs, who tore off both his feet, crushed his legs, and mangled him terribly before they were discovered. It was found impossible to drive the dogs off until both were killed. The poor little fellow was taken to the Hospital, but cannot survive his injuries. He has no parents living. (New York Times, January 4, 1858)

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1940 Fatal Pit Bull Attack – Raleigh Leroy Henderson

May 1940, Winkler County, TX
Raleigh Leroy Henderson, 3
Fatal dog attack: bulldog (pit bull-type)
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Kermit, TX – A bulldog fatally chewed and mangled three-year-old Raleigh Leroy Henderson yesterday. The animal was a pet of the family… – St. Petersburg Times

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1896 Fatal Pit Bull Attack – Harry Acklam

June 1896, Racine County, WI
Harry Acklam, 7
Fatal dog attack: bulldogs (pit bull-type)
View: Victim’s memorial website
View: Related DogsBite.org blog post

The police began an investigation and an hour later found the remains of the lad in a field cast of Beebe Manufacturing company’s plant. A further search revealed that it was the work of two bulldogs, owned by Frank Bull and Emery Jones – Milwaukee Journal

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Human Deaths by Pit Bulls Surpasses 160 since 1999

Human deaths by pit bulls surpasses 160 since the CDC stopped studying fatal dog attack data at the end of 1998 — swayed by the heavy-handed help of the AVMA and animal welfare lobbying groups. Learn more.

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